Harnessing Generative AI: Revolutionising Opportunities in Operations Research

4 min readJun 28, 2024


Photo by Petrebels on Unsplash

Introduction to Generative AI

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Generative AI (Gen AI) stands out as a revolutionary technology. Unlike traditional AI, which primarily processes numerical data and limited text, Gen AI possesses the remarkable ability to create entirely new content. By leveraging patterns and structures from human language, computer code, images, videos, or even music! Generative AI can contextually understand concepts and generate novel content that mirrors the statistical properties of its training data.

The Magic of Generative AI in Action

Generative AI’s capabilities are far-reaching, offering groundbreaking applications across various industries. One area where Gen AI is particularly transformative is inventory optimisation. By enhancing efficiency and accuracy in inventory management, Gen AI can significantly reduce costs and improve service levels.

A General Case Study: Booking.com

Photo by Jas Rolyn on Unsplash

Taking the Friction Out of Travel: Booking.com has harnessed the power of Generative AI to elevate the travel experience. The platform uses data to match users with travel experiences that exceed their expectations. By processing extensive user data and preferences, Gen AI can suggest unique destinations that travellers might not have considered otherwise.

Destination Ideas That Wow: With flexible parameters, Generative AI provides fresh, unexpected travel suggestions. This capability helps users discover new destinations and experiences, adding an element of surprise and delight to their travel planning.

Intelligent Travel Inspiration: The impact of Generative AI is evident when travellers visit and enjoy destinations they hadn’t previously considered. This positive experience encourages repeat usage, driving customer loyalty and engagement on Booking.com.

Sentiment Analysis and Customer Profiling: Beyond travel suggestions, Booking.com leverages Gen AI for sentiment analysis, gauging customer satisfaction, concerns, and improvement areas. By profiling customer preferences, behaviours, and interests, the platform can offer personalised recommendations, enhancing user experience and satisfaction.

An Operations Research Perspective: EY (Ernst & Young)


Demand Forecasting: Generative AI uses historical data and market trends to predict future demand accurately. This capability helps businesses plan effectively, ensuring they can meet customer needs without overproduction.

Inventory Management: By considering factors such as customer demand, production capacities, resource availability, and order priorities, Gen AI optimises inventory levels, ensuring that stock is neither over nor under-ordered.

Risk Management: Leveraging historical data, market conditions, weather patterns, and geopolitical events, Generative AI identifies potential supply chain risks. This proactive approach helps businesses mitigate risks and maintain smooth operations.


Supplier Management: Natural Language Processing (NLP) within Gen AI provides insights from supplier communications, helping monitor interactions, identify issues, and improve supplier relationships.

Contracts: Analysing supplier performance, capabilities, pricing, and risk profiles, Gen AI generates ranked recommendations, aiding in informed decision-making and contract negotiations.


Product Design: Generative AI evaluates numerous design iterations based on predefined criteria, enabling faster and more innovative product development.

Predictive Maintenance: By analysing equipment data, Gen AI predicts likely failures, reducing downtime and maintenance costs.

Material Science and Engineering: Gen AI iterates over material properties to propose new materials and optimise existing ones, driving advancements in material science.


Global Trade Optimisation: Generative AI analyses tariffs, customs regulations, trade agreements, and shipping costs to identify optimal trade routes and strategies.

Logistics Network Design: By considering warehouse locations, transport links, and demand patterns, Gen AI designs efficient logistics networks, reducing delivery times and costs.

Last Mile Dynamic Route Optimisation: Real-time traffic conditions, weather, priority, and fuel consumption data enable Gen AI to optimise delivery and pickup routes, enhancing service levels and operational efficiency.


Generative AI is not just an incremental improvement in AI technology; it represents a paradigm shift with the potential to revolutionise industries. By generating novel content and providing intelligent insights, Gen AI enhances user experiences, optimises operations, and drives innovation. As businesses continue to explore and implement this powerful technology, the possibilities for transformative growth and efficiency are limitless.

Generative AI is reshaping our world, one algorithm at a time. Are you ready to embrace the future?

